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.Overall Tournament Recap……….…

Ukrainian World Golf Challenge 2003 – Ron Shymko Memorial

Kapalua, Maui  16 – 25 October 2003

All scoring calculations, reviews, and summaries were undertaken by Zenon Kuc.  His forensic talents and dedication were essential in the reading and interpretation of the scorecards.  We thank him for his long hours and hard work while everyone else was “vacationing”.

.Pre-tournament. handicap adjustments

Glenn Forsyth (AUS) – new hdcp = 6 (was 8)
Andrew Kuzmicz (AUS) – new hdcp = 13 (was 15) – moved to Flight A
Yarko Jablonskyj (USA) – new hdcp = 28 (was 22) – moved to Flight D

 Day 1  Tuesday, 21 October

Ka’anapali North Tournament Course

Day 1  CCR handicap adjustments after Day 1 play:

Slawko Iwanec (AUS) reduced to 32 (from 33) – 38 points on Day 1

Day 1  Individual Trophies

1st gross:        Adrian Hawrysiuk (AUS)                79
2nd gross:       Roman Luzniak (USA)                   81
1st Flight A:     Michael Lisowiec (AUS)               36
2nd Flight A:    Myron Kopystansky (CAN)        35 (matching cards)
1st Flight B:     Peter Wynarchuk (USA)               38
2nd Flight B:    Marcello Roch (AUS)                    36
1st Flight C:     Tony Kastropil (AUS)                     35
2nd Flight C:   Steve Nahorniak (USA)               34 (matching cards)
1st Flight D:     Slawko Iwanec (AUS)                   38
2nd Flight D:   Jurgen Huse (GER)                        35

Longest Drive Winner:      
Myron Luzniak (USA)

Closest to the Pin Winners:
2nd hole:          Stefan Felniak (AUS)
8th hole:           Roman Luzniak (USA)
15th hole:        Steve Nahorniak (USA)
17th hole:        Gene Zaraska (CAN)

Day 1  Team competition
(Average Team Net Stableford points score)

DAY 1  Results & Standings after Day 1
AUSTRALIA              31.96
USA                            27.96
CANADA                   27.11

 Day 2  Wednesday, 22 October

Kapalua Bay Course

Day 2  CCR handicap adjustments after Day 2 play:

Patti Nedoszytko (CAN) reduced to 21 (from 25) – 41 points on Day 2
Gerry Romanyk (AUS) reduced to 18 (from 22) – 41 points on Day 2
Myron Kopystansky (CAN) reduced to 13 (from 14) – 40 points on Day 2
Dan Stevens (CAN) reduced to 13 (from 14) – 40 points on Day 2
Michael Wertelecky (CAN) reduced to 17 (from 20) – 40 points on Day 2
Roman Luzniak (USA) reduced to 7 (from 8) – 39 points on Day 2
Orest Pidlisnyj (CAN) reduced to 23 (from 25) – 39 points on Day 2
Marvin Stevens (CAN) reduced to 20 (from 22) – 39 points on Day 2
Jurgen Huse (GER) reduced to 27 (from 28) – 38 points on Day 2

Day 2  Individual Trophies

1st gross:        Glenn Forsyth (AUS)                      74
2nd gross:       Roman Luzniak (USA)                 75
1st Flight A:     Myron Kopystansky (CAN)       40 (matching cards)
2nd Flight A:    Dan Stevens (CAN)                    40 (matching cards)
1st Flight B:     Walt Wilczak (USA)                      37 (matching cards)
2nd Flight B:    Stefan Hawrysiuk (AUS)             37 (matching cards)
1st Flight C:     Patti Nedoszytko (CAN)            41 (matching cards)
2nd Flight C:   Gerry Romanyk (AUS)                41 (matching cards)
1st Flight D:     Jurgen Huse (GER)                      38
2nd Flight D:   Myron Panczuk (GER)                36

Longest Drive Winner:      
Myron Luzniak (USA)

Closest to the Pin Winners:
3rd hole:          Roman Luzniak (USA)
5th hole:          Harry Lesiw (AUS)
8th hole:           Ivan Furyk (AUS)
12th hole:        Walt Wilczak (USA)
17th hole:        Tony Kastropil (AUS)

Day 2  Team competition
(Average Team Net Stableford points score)
                                    DAY 1           DAY 2          Standings after Day 2
                                    Results             Results           Average of Days 1 & 2
AUSTRALIA              31.96              31.88              31.92
USA                            27.96              27.27              27.62
CANADA                   27.11              31.56              29.34

 Day 3  Thursday, 23 October

Kapalua Village Course

Day 3  CCR handicap adjustments after Day 3 play:

Les Hurba (AUS) reduced to 14 (from 18) – 46 points on Day 3
Michael Kwas (AUS) reduced to 13 (from 21) – 46 points on Day 3
Kon Medway (AUS) reduced to 16 (from 22) – 44 points on Day 3
Jurgen Huse (GER) reduced to 22 (from 27) – 43 points on Day 3
Slawko Iwanec (AUS) reduced to 27 (from 32) – 43 points on Day 3
Steve Nahorniak (USA) reduced to 17 (from 21) – 42 points on Day 3
Richard Palahniuk (USA) reduced to 11 (from 13) – 42 points on Day 3
Marcello Roch (AUS) reduced to 16 (from 18) – 42 points on Day 3
Walt Wilczak (USA) reduced to 15 (from 17) – 41 points on Day 3
Eugene Masney (CAN) reduced to 13 (from 14) – 40 points on Day 3
Borys Luckyj (AUS) reduced to 13 (from 14) – 39 points on Day 3
Ihor Pidlisny (CAN) reduced to 23 (from 24) – 38 points on Day 2

Day 3  Individual Trophies

1st gross:        Roman Luzniak (USA)                   77
2nd gross:       Glenn Forsyth (AUS)                      78
1st Flight A:     Richard Palahniuk (USA)           42
2nd Flight A:    Eugene Masney (CAN)             40
1st Flight B:     Les Hurba (AUS)                             46
2nd Flight B:    Marcello Roch (AUS)                   42
1st Flight C:     Michael Kwas (AUS)                    46
2nd Flight C:   Kon Medway (AUS)                     44
1st Flight D:     Jurgen Huse (GER)                       43 (matching cards)
2nd Flight D:   Slawko Iwanec (AUS)                  43 (matching cards)

Longest Drive Winner:      
Andrew Kuzmicz (AUS)

Closest to the Pin Winners:
1st hole:           Marcello Roch (AUS)
5th hole:           Myron Luzniak (USA)
10th hole:         Zenon Kuc (USA)
16th hole:         Myron Kopystansky (CAN)
18th hole:         Bohdan Puzyk (USA)

Day 3  Team competition
 (Average Team Net Stableford points score)
                                    DAY 1           DAY 2           DAY 3         Standings after Day 3
                                    Results              Results            Results           Average of Days 1, 2 & 3
AUSTRALIA              31.96              31.88              34.79              31.92
USA                            27.96              27.27              31.33              27.62
CANADA                   27.11              31.56              31.04              29.90

 Day 4  Friday, 24 October

Kapalua Plantation Course

Day 4  Individual Trophies

1st gross:        Glenn Forsyth (AUS)                        79
2nd gross:       Zenon Kuc (USA)                            82
1st Flight A:     Ivan Furyk (AUS)                           38
2nd Flight A:    Dan Stevens (CAN)                     37
1st Flight B:     Chez Kaban (AUS)                        43
2nd Flight B:    Peter Wynarchuk (USA)              37 (matching cards)
1st Flight C:     Tony Kastropil (AUS)                     42
2nd Flight C:   Myron Luzniak (USA)                    40 (matching cards)
1st Flight D:     Chris Nichols (USA)                        34
2nd Flight D:   Myron Panczuk (GER)                   33

Longest Drive Winner:      
Tony Kastropil (AUS)

Closest to the Pin Winners:

2nd hole:          Tony Cerone (CAN)
8th hole:           Les Hurba (USA)
11th hole:         Basil Kalymon (CAN)

Day 4  Team competition
(Average Team Net Stableford points score)

                                   DAY 1           DAY 2            DAY 3           DAY 4                                                             
                                               Results             Results              Results            Results
AUSTRALIA              31.96              31.88              34.79              30.79
USA                            27.96              27.27              31.33              29.45
CANADA                   27.11              31.56              31.04              28.92

                                    OVERALL FINAL
                                    Standings after Day 4
                                    Average of Days 1, 2, 3 & 4
AUSTRALIA              32.36  Winners of USA/Australia Challenge & Ukrainian World Golf Challenge 2003
USA                            29.00
CANADA                   29.66  Runners up of Ukrainian World Golf Challenge 2003


Overall  Low Gross Score:  gross strokes

1st gross:        Glenn Forsyth (AUS)                          313
2nd gross:       Roman Luzniak (USA)                     317
3rd gross:        Ivan Furyk (AUS)                               324

Overall  Net Stableford Score:  net points

Overall Net:
1st :      Tony Kastropil (AUS), hdcp 19                        149
2nd :     Jurgen Huse (GER) , hdcp   28                  148
3rd :      Kon Medway (AUS) , hdcp 22                        147

Flight A:  hdcp 0 - 14
1st :      Myron Kopystansky (CAN)                          147
2nd :     Zenon Kuc (USA)                                          139
3rd :      Dan Stevens (CAN)                                      138
4th :      Richard Palahniuk (USA)                           137

Flight B:  hdcp 15 - 18
1st :      Walt Wilczak (USA)                                     $nbsp; 147
2nd :     Marcello Roch (AUS)                                   145
3rd :      Les Hurba (AUS)                                            144
4th :      Chez Kaban (AUS)                                      140 (matching cards)

Flight C: hdcp 19 - 25
1st :      Tony Kastropil (AUS)                                      149
2nd :     Kon Medway (AUS)                                      147
3rd :      Steve Nahorniak (AUS)                              142
4th :      Orest Pidlisnyj (CAN)                                  139

Flight D: hdcp 25 – 34 M / 40 F
1st :      Jurgen Huse (GER)                                       148
2nd :     Slawko Iwanec (AUS)                                 140
3rd :      Tony Cerone (CAN)                                    128
4th :      Myron Panczuk (GER)                                127